FULL-bodleian_38-000_ms-poc-400_f99a Nell'VIII secolo il "Panchatantra", una collezione di favole indiane, fu tradotta in arabo dai Persiani Ibn al-Muqaffa. Lo intitolò "Kalila wa-Dimna" dopo che i due scagnozzi furono presentati in alcune storie. Questa versione si diffuse in tutto il mondo musulmano, inclusa la penisola iberica, dove fu tradotto in ebraico e castigliano. Queste versioni a turno sono servite come fonti per le traduzioni latine, che aiutarono a trasmettere le storie al resto d'Europa.   In the eighth century the "Panchatantra," a collection of Indian fables, was translated into Arabic by the Persian Ibn al-Muqaffa. He titled it "Kalila wa-Dimna" after the two jackals featured in some of the stories. This rendition spread throughout the Muslim world, including the Iberian Peninsula, where it was translated into Hebrew and Castilian. These versions in turn served as sources for Latin translations, which helped to transmit the tales to the rest of Europe.
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