Folia Magazine wishes all of you a Happy Halloween and All Hallows' Day! To celebrate, here is a bizarre illumination showing an angel, kneeling among tombstones in a graveyard, who seems to be reassembling the…
Folia Magazine wishes all of you a Happy Halloween and All Hallows' Day! To celebrate, here is a bizarre illumination showing an angel, kneeling among tombstones in a graveyard, who seems to be reassembling the…
We finally reached the end of October... and that means it's Halloween! Last year we celebrated the occasion by introducing you to a very peculiar manuscript, the ms. Français 995 from the Bibliothéque nationale de…
Fear? Paranoia? Symptoms that seem inexplicable and infections "at first sight"? Nothing new! In the middle of these days' psychosis, Folia Magazine proposes an in-depth analysis of some cases of phantom "illnesses" that occurred during…
« St Dunstan, as the story goes, Once pull'd the devil by the nose With red-hot tongs, which made him roar, That he was heard three miles or more. » (Folk rhyme) May 19 is the…
Every year, the night from April 30 to May 1, part of Europe celebrates the Germanic and Scandinavian feast known as Walpurgis Night. Although its name comes from the 8th-century Christian Saint Walpurga (or Walburga) of Heidenheim,…