Folia Magazine wishes all of you the happiest of Holidays with this delicate, lantern-lit Nativity scene! This incredible illumination is included in a luxury Book of Hours created for Frederick of Aragon, King of Naples from…
Folia Magazine wishes all of you the happiest of Holidays with this delicate, lantern-lit Nativity scene! This incredible illumination is included in a luxury Book of Hours created for Frederick of Aragon, King of Naples from…
It is finally Easter! We celebrate the occasion with this delightful illumination depicting the meeting between the Three Marys, the followers of Jesus who had gone visit the by then empty tomb, and the Angel…
We continue the Easter Triduum by moving on to Good Friday. As the "apex" day of the Passion, the iconography of Good Friday is among the richest in scenes, events, and characters. In addition to…
Maundy Thursday: for Christianity, this day marks the beginning of the so-called Paschal Triduum, the period of three days leading to Easter and thus recalling the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. This illumination portrays the…
October 4 is the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi, one of the most beloved saints of all time and - among many more - patron saint of animals, the environment, Italy, the city…
May 2, 1519: on this day, exactly 500 years ago, Leonardo da Vinci died at 67 in Château du Clos Lucé, a castle in the city of Amboise, France. As one of the most popular and…
It is finally Easter! We celebrate the occasion with this incredibly lavish illuminated initial from a late 15th-century (or early 16th-century) Gradual made for the church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli in Rome. The grand illumination,…
The Church celebrates today the feast of the Annunciation (also known as Lady Day), meaning the announcement by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and become the mother of the…