Folia Magazine wishes all of you the happiest of Holidays with this delicate, lantern-lit Nativity scene! This incredible illumination is included in a luxury Book of Hours created for Frederick of Aragon, King of Naples from…
Folia Magazine wishes all of you the happiest of Holidays with this delicate, lantern-lit Nativity scene! This incredible illumination is included in a luxury Book of Hours created for Frederick of Aragon, King of Naples from…
Folia Magazine wishes all of you a Happy Halloween and All Hallows' Day! To celebrate, here is a bizarre illumination showing an angel, kneeling among tombstones in a graveyard, who seems to be reassembling the…
Illumination from the manuscript "Tresample description de toute la Terre Saincte", ms. Royal 20 A IV, f. 125v, ca. 1540, British Library, London.
Capital "Q", illumination from the manuscript "Gradualis sanctorum Ecclesiae Parisiensis pars V", ms. RES VMA MS-1415, p. 135, 1669, Département Musique, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.
Historically and mythologically speaking, being in a powerful position (and perhaps also a little “too good-looking”) often proved to be a double-edged sword for many women. While undoubtedly representing an advantage, it also made those…
Illumination from a Book of Hours (Paris), ms. Latin MS 164, f. 81r, ca. 1430, The John Rylands Library, Manchester.
The time has finally come for the very first Women’s Wednesday of 2021! Although historians have celebrated our first Mulier Clara of the year as a skilled writer and poetess, her work has sadly not…
Illumination from the Philibert de Viry’s Book of Hours, ms. lat. 367, f. 5r, beginning of the 16th century, Bibliothèque de Genève, Geneva.