Journey through the Dante Urbinate: Purgatory, Canto IX. Figures of humility

After following a narrow path, Dante and Virgil reach the first terrace overlooking Purgatory, where they find those who are punished for the sin of Pride. We meet them on the steep and inaccessible cliff as they observe some bas-relief marble figures that express humility.

The two poets are seen from behind as they contemplate the first of them depicting the Annunciation. It is drawn in monochrome in order to look like carved stone. The Virgin is seen on the right, praying at her lectern. She humbly prostrates herself before the angel Gabriel, who appears on the left with his wings open, in the act of giving a blessing and holding a stalk of lilies.

Franco dei Russi and his workshop.  

Source: La Divina Commedia di Federico da Montefeltro. Il Dante Urbinate. Commentario.

Illumination from Dante Alighieri’s Divina Commedia, Ms. Urb. lat. 365, f. 124r, 1478-1482, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

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