Make Music Day

Summer is finally here! Along with the coming of the summer season, the world celebrates today the Fête de la Musique (or, in English, "World Music Day" or "Make Music Day"). The Fête, as the name suggests, was born in France. The idea came from the American musician Joel Cohen: while working for the French radio station France Musique, Cohen proposed the so-called "Saturnales de la Musique", special events in which groups of musicians would have played on both June 21 and December 21 to celebrate the two Solstices. Inspired by this idea, the then Ministry of Culture created the official Fête de la Musique in 1981.
Since then, the Fête has quickly become an international event: as of today, more than 120 countries celebrate the festival with free concerts and the like. Musicians of all ages and skills, in particular, are encouraged to follow the official motto of the festival, "Faites de la musique" ("Make music", a homophone of Fête de la Musique), by playing in the streets and filling the cities with music.
Illumination from a Breviary, use of Verdun ("Breviary of Reginald of Bar"), ms. 107, f. 012r, ca. 1302-1305, Bibliothèque Municipale, Verdun.
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